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15 Minutes to Finding Your Purpose in Life

          Meet Dr. Hetal Patel M.D., M.S.H.S., INTM.

What Our Patients Say

Ready to transform your healthcare experience?
Get Well, Stay Well! 

Priyanka P.

Manhattan, New York

Following the advice and recommendations from Dr. Patel,  I have now been Gluten, Dairy, and Wheat free for 3 months now! This, combined with supplements, health care products, and a few lifestyle changes have done wonders for my skin. I have little to almost zero breakouts anymore and the improved health of my skin has been visibly noticeable to both my friends and family.

Over and above this, I genuinely cannot stress how much of a difference this had made to my overall mood, energy, and ultimately, my happiness! Dr. Patel not only advised me, but he educated me on how to tackle the root cause of my issues and this is why I’ve been able to make such fundamental and long-lasting changes to my diet/lifestyle. I no longer have to take antibiotics or use harsh topical treatments to treat my acne as previously advised by my GP, instead I’ve tackled the root cause altogether.  I’ve also managed to completely avoid the unpleasant side effects which I suffered whilst on prescribed medication.

Bradley B.

Costa Mesa, CA

As a Typical 40ish man. I expected a quick fix to correct my issue of being a 40ish male. During past medical examinations, the doctor completed labs and came back to me and said your fat, you eat too much red meat and you don’t exercise. You need to take these pills and see me in a year. To correct the problem I would try the new fad diet,(i did like the Bacon diet) and my determination allowed loose weight but the weight loss was temporary and probably did more damage than good.

Dr. Patel’s process was completely different than in the past. We focused on what small changes would provide the biggest benefit to my health.  For me, it was difficult to workout 60 Minutes at one time. But it was easier to do four 15 minutes programs throughout the day.  So he developed multiple short programs I could do throughout the day. In the past, I would starve myself to lose weight. But I love food, and when my love for food got the best of me, my weight loss disappeared. He developed a program that allowed me to eat more food with fewer calories. The food was good. With his program, I was able to lose nearly 60 lbs and keep it off. This has given me the energy to keep up with my 5-year-old and improved my mental, physical, and sexual endurance. Thanks for your help.

Nisha Patel


AIM led me to better overall health and fertility success!
I am a 40-year-old woman, who over the past two years, has been focused on having a natural pregnancy. My lifestyle, unfortunately, for 15 years, was full of travel, stress, and bad eating habits which caused delays and underlying issues in my fertility. After seeing countless fertility doctors and trying many different hormone cycles and prescriptions to resolve my infertility,

I finally found the AIM and gained a new and better perspective on the “bigger” picture. Very few fertility doctors talked to me about the effects of stress and diet and the impact this had on my overall fertile health, more drugs seemed to be the solution. When I discussed my pregnancy goals with Dr. Patel, he dug deeper to find the root causes of my issues and worked on a customized plan for me. This plan was focused on improving my overall lifestyle and balancing appropriate medicine, acupuncture with healthy nutrition and exercise. This program shifted my mindset into gaining better health & discipline, focusing on nutrition & supplements that would help improve my fertility and balance the hormonal impact from my IVF process.

Thanks to the diligence & dedication from Dr. Patel in, I am now successfully pregnant and continuing my healthy, balanced lifestyle a year later! I 100% believe my fertility success went from bleak to bright because of the foundation laid from AIM’s customized program and my commitment to it.

Thank you, Dr. Patel, for our helping us achieve our greatest gift!

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